Simple Tips For A Healthy Diet 

Increase Your Protein Intake

Protein controls your hunger and satiety hormones and helps with muscle retention, making it one of the macronutrients that is frequently viewed as the most satisfying.

Drink Enough Water

Drinking water can minimise calorie intake from beverages and is linked to better diet quality.

Opt For Healthier Cooking Method

Your meals can be healthier by using healthy cooking techniques like broiling or roasting because they prevent the formation of harmful compounds while cooking.

Increase Physical Activity

Healthy eating and exercise frequently go hand in hand. Aim for about 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day for healthy living.

Choose Healthy Oils For Cooking

Extra virgin olive, avocado, and coconut oils, as well as other healthy substitutes, can be used in place of highly processed seed and vegetable oils in the kitchen.